Keep Going 04

10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times And Bad


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

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Make Gifts

Words & phrases

make gifts 制作礼物:手工制作礼物以赠送他人。

I like to make gifts for my friends and family during the holiday season.


“God walks out of the room when you’re thinking about money.”
—Quincy Jones

Protect your valuables.

Here’s a contemporary cultural phenomenon that drives me crazy.

You have a friend who knits beautiful scarves. Knitting is what he does to clear his mind and pass the time on his long train commute.

Words & phrases


  • v.编织,针织;织平针;(使)紧密结合;(骨头)愈合;皱紧,皱(眉)

  • n.编织的衣物,织物;编织法

Ferris wore a heavy knit sweater.



  • n.针织品;皱痕(knit 的复数)

  • v.[纺]编织;皱紧;接合(knit 的第三人称单数)

This wool knits up well.


scarves: n.围巾;领带(scarf 的复数);截面

They were warmly dressed in coats and scarves.



  • n.针织;编织物;[外科]骨愈合

  • v.编织;皱眉(knit 的 ing 形式)

She's knitting the baby a shawl.


You have another friend who loves to bake cakes. Baking is what she does on nights and weekends to unwind after working at her stressful corporate job.

All three of you attend a birthday party. Your knitter friend gives the birthday girl the scarf he recently finished. It’s absolutely beautiful.

Words & phrases

unwind: v.放松,松弛;解开,展开

Shake the rope and let the coils unwind.


corporate job 企业工作:指在大型公司或组织中从事的职业,通常包括在办公室环境中从事管理、行政、销售、市场营销等职位。

He decided to pursue a corporate job after graduating from university.



  • adj.公司的;法人的;共同的,全体的


He lost his job in a corporate takeover.


knitter: n.编织者;编织机

She is showing me how to use a knitter.



  • n.围巾,披巾,头巾;(嵌接的)斜面,斜嵌槽;鲸脂的切口

  • v.<美,非正式>狼吞虎咽地吃;嵌接,斜接(木材,金属);切割(鲸)脂

Her scarf streamed behind her.


What’s the standard reaction these days?

“You could sell this on Etsy!”

After the birthday girl opens her gifts, your baker friend serves her cake. Everyone is moaning in delight.

What do they all say?


Etsy: 易集(手工艺品交易网站)

Etsy is a rapidly growing online marketplace for hand-made goods.


moaning: v.呻吟;(物)发凄厉声;(非正式)抱怨;(诗、文)悲叹;(风)呼啸(moan 的现在分词)

I've had a bellyful of your moaning.



  • n.高兴;令人高兴的人或物,乐事

  • v.使高兴;以……为乐

They all cackled with delight.


“You could start a bakery!”

We’re now trained to heap praise on our loved ones by using market terminology. The minute anybody shows any talent for anything, we suggest they turn it into a profession. This is our best compliment: telling somebody they’re so good at what they love to do they could make money at it.

We used to have hobbies; now we have “side hustles.” As things continue to get worse in America, as the safety net gets torn up, and as steady jobs keep disappearing, the free-time activities that used to soothe us and take our minds off work and add meaning to our lives are now presented to us as potential income streams, or ways out of having a traditional job.

Words & phrases


bakery: n.面包店;烘焙食品(如面包,蛋糕)

The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery.


heap praise 大加赞扬:表示高度赞扬或称赞某人或某事物。

I don't intend to mindlessly heap praise on Nausicaa.



  • n.分,分钟;片刻,一会儿,瞬间;时刻;一分钟的路程;分(角度单位,即六十分之一度);会议记录;摘要,备忘录

  • adj.极小的,微小的;详细的,细致入微的

  • v.将(某事)写进会议记录;发送备忘录

The minute anybody shows any talent for anything, we suggest they turn it into a profession.



  • n.赞扬,称赞;问候,祝贺

  • v.赞美,恭维

Saying she's improved comes over as a backhanded compliment.


side hustle 兼职工作:指在主要工作之外为了获得额外收入而进行的工作。

Many people have a side hustle to supplement their primary job income.



  • v.推搡,硬挤;拼命干活;急速前进,奔忙;催促(某人);<非正式>(常指非法地)兜售,取得;<美,非正式>拉客,卖淫

  • n.忙碌,熙熙攘攘;<美,非正式>欺诈行为;<美>卖力,努力

You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper.


tear up

  • 1.损坏、移除或在某处开个口子;

  • 2.在某个领域表现出色。

Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.



  • adj.犹豫的

  • v.撕碎,撕裂;撕破,划破;撕掉,扯掉(tear 的过去分词)

I've torn a calf muscle.


soothe: v.使平静,安抚;减轻,缓和(疼痛)

He became as wild as a beast and no one could soothe him.


I’m so insanely lucky right now. I live the dream, in a sense, because I get paid to do what I would probably do anyway for free. But things can get very, very tricky when you turn the thing you love into the thing that keeps you and your family clothed and fed. Everyone who’s turned their passion into their breadwinning knows this is dangerous territory. One of the easiest ways to hate something you love is to turn it into your job: taking the thing that keeps you alive spiritually and turning it into the thing that keeps you alive literally.

You must be mindful of what potential impact monetizing your passions could have on your life. You might find that you’re better off with a day job.

When you start making a living from your work, resist the urge to monetize every single bit of your creative practice. Be sure there’s at least a tiny part of you that’s off-limits to the marketplace. Some little piece that you keep for yourself.

Words & phrases





insanely: adv.疯狂地;狂暴地;精神错乱地

Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed, as showtime approaches.


tricky adj.难对付的,棘手的;狡猾的,诡计多端的

It was a tricky problem but I think we've licked it.


feed and clothe one's family 养家活口

How can one demonstrate love for one's family if he is unable to feed and clothe and house them?


breadwinning / ˈbredˌwɪnɪŋ / 养家糊口;挣饭吃的

Men’s egos are very much tied to their careers and their breadwinning capabilities.


territory / ˈterətɔːri / n.领土,版图,领地;(美国、加拿大等的)准州;(某些国家划分的)地区;(某一动物或人想控制的)领地,地盘;(某人负责的)区域,地区;(具有某种特性的)地区,地方;(知识等的)领域,范围;(体育运动中的)防守区

Carter's fourth album definitely moves into uncharted territory.


be mindful of 注意;留意;谨慎处理:提醒某人注意或谨慎处理某事。

Be mindful of your surroundings when walking alone at night.


monetize / ˈmɑːnɪtaɪz / v.把……定为货币,使成为合法货币;铸造成货币;(通过网站访客)赚钱

Do you actually want to monetize your blog?


make a living from 以……为生:通过某种方式谋生或赚钱。

Making a living from their blog is the dream of most bloggers.


off-limits: adj.禁止进入的,禁区的

The subject was ruled off-limits.


Times are always tough economically for artists and freelancers, so define the sort of lifestyle you want to live, budget for your expenses, and draw the line between what you will and won’t do for money.

And remember: If you want maximum artistic freedom, keep your overhead low. A free creative life is not about living within your means, it’s about living below your means.

“Do what you love!” cry the motivational speakers. But I think anybody who tells people to do what they love no matter what should also have to teach a money management course.

“Do what you love” + low overhead = a good life.

“Do what you love” + “I deserve nice things” = a time bomb.

Words & phrases


freelancer / ˈfriːlænsər / n.自由职业者,特约人员

He's a freelancer, so he can work anywhere.



  • adv.在头顶上方,在空中

  • adj.头顶上的,在空中的,高架的;(驱动装置)顶置式的;经费的,管理费用的

  • n.<美>经常开支,营运费用(=<英>overheads);(用于投影仪显示文字、图片等的)透明幻灯片;(尤指飞机的)顶舱

An eagle circled high overhead.


motivational adj.动机的;激发性的;有关动机的;动机说明

What are your motivational triggers?


“Do what you love!” cry the motivational speakers.



  • n.

  • v.为……安排时间;把握(击球、射门等)的时机;为……计时,测定……所需的时间

  • conj.乘以

  • adj.定时的,定期的,分期的

The object you make is already a time bomb.


“It’s always good to have a hobby where there’s no way to monetize it . . . So follow your dreams, but right up to the point where they become your job, and then run in the other direction.”
—David Rees

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”
—William Bruce Cameron

Words & phrases

right up 紧贴着:与某物非常接近或贴着。

The car was parked right up against the wall.


right up to the point 直截了当地,不拐弯抹角地

She told him right up to the point that she was not interested in him.


Ignore the numbers.

Money is not the only measurement that can corrupt your creative practice. Digitizing your work and sharing it online means that it is subject to the world of online metrics: website visits, likes, favorites, shares, reblogs, retweets, follower counts, and more.

It’s easy to become as obsessed with online metrics as money. It can then be tempting to use those metrics to decide what to work on next, without taking into account how shallow those metrics really are. An Amazon rank doesn’t tell you whether someone read your book twice and loved it so much she passed it on to a friend. Instagram likes don’t tell you whether an image you made stuck with someone for a month. A stream count doesn’t equal an actual human being showing up to your live show and dancing.

What do clicks really mean in the grand scheme of things? All clicks have meant in the short term is that everything online is now clickbait, optimized for the short attention span. The quick hit.

Words & phrases



  • n.实践,实际操作;通常的做法,惯例;练习;练习课,固定的训练时间;(医生、律师或其他专业人士的)业务,事务所;诉讼手续,诉讼程序

  • v.练习;经常做,养成……的习惯;信奉(宗教);(医生、律师等)执业,从业

best practice 最佳实践:经过研究和经验证明能够产生最佳结果的程序,被确定或建议为适合广泛采用的标准。

Hospitals should follow best practices to ensure patient safety.


digitize / ˈdɪdʒɪtaɪz / vt.[计] 数字化

If you can digitize books, go for it.



  • adj.浅的,不深的;肤浅的,浅薄的;(呼吸)浅的,微弱的;平缓的;靠近内线的

  • n.(海、湖或河的)浅水处,浅滩(shallows)

  • v.(使)变浅

He's a shallow, disagreeable man.


in the grand scheme of 在…的宏伟计划中

But how much is 300 pounds in the grand scheme of things?


But in the grand scheme of things, my accomplishments are relatively modest.


clickbait / ˈklɪkbeɪt / n.点击诱饵:指网络上为吸引用户点击而设计的具有误导性或夸张性的标题或内容。

The article's title was pure clickbait, but the content was actually informative.


short attention span 注意力短暂:指一个人难以集中注意力,容易分心或失去兴趣的状态。

Children with short attention spans may have difficulty in school.


I noticed a long time ago that there’s actually very little correlation between what I love to make and share and the numbers of likes, favorites, and retweets it gets. I’ll often post something I loved making that took me forever and crickets chirp. I’ll post something else I think is sort of lame that took me no effort and it will go viral. If I let those metrics run my personal practice, I don’t think my heart could take it very long.

If you share work online, try to ignore the numbers at least every once in a while. Increase the time between your sharing and receiving feedback. Post something and don’t check the response for a week. Turn off the analytics for your blog and write about whatever you want. Download a browser plug-in that makes the numbers disappear from social media.

When you ignore quantitative measurements for a bit, you can get back to qualitative measurements. Is it good? Really good? Do you like it? You can also focus more on what the work does that can’t be measured. What it does to your soul.

Words & phrases


crickets chirp 蟋蟀鸣叫:蟋蟀发出的尖锐、连续的声音。

The crickets chirp in the garden at night.


cricket / ˈkrɪkɪt / n.蟋蟀;板球(运动)

The standard of professional cricket has never been lower.


chirp / tʃɜːrp /

  • v.(鸟)啁啾,(昆虫)唧唧叫; 轻松愉快地说,嘁嘁喳喳地说;抱怨;故意惹怒(某人)而说,奚落

  • n.吱吱声,唧唧声

The chirp came from a thick holly bush, bright with scarlet berries, and Mary thought she knew whose it was.



  • adj.瘸的,跛的,残疾的;(尤指借口或论据)站不住脚的,无说服力的;差劲的,拙劣的;<美,非正式>幼稚的,无能的(尤指社交方面)

  • v.使(人或动物)跛(瘸),使残废

  • n.金银锦缎

He was aware that she was lame in one leg.


go viral 迅速传播:指信息在社交媒体上迅速而频繁地传播,也可以指通过流言蜚语或作为对广播或广泛印刷发行的集体反应而传播。

Of course, not all ideas go viral, still influence is powerful.


viral / ˈvaɪrəl /

  • adj.病毒性的,病毒引起的;(与)利用病毒式营销手段(有关)的

  • n.互联网上迅速传播的图片(或视频、广告等)

A viral illness left her barely able to walk.


every once in a while / ˈevri wʌns ɪn ə waɪl / 有时但不经常,偶尔,不时地

I like to treat myself to a massage every once in a while.


quantitative / ˈkwɑːntəteɪtɪv / adj.数量的,量化的,定量的;(诗)由长短步组成的

There is no difference between the two in quantitative terms.


quantitative measurement 定量测量:一种通过数值表示的测量方法,用于评估某一特定变量的大小或数量。

The research team used quantitative measurement to analyze the data.


for a bit 片刻,一会儿:短暂的时间段,通常用于表示稍微停留或等待一段时间。

I'm going to rest for a bit before continuing my work.


qualitative / ˈkwɑːlɪteɪtɪv / adj.质量的,定性的,性质的

There are qualitative differences between the two products.


qualitative measurement 定性测定

“No artist can work simply for results; he must also like the work of getting them.”
—Robert Farrar Capon

“Don’t make stuff because you want to make money—it will never make you enough money. And don’t make stuff because you want to get famous—because you will never feel famous enough. Make gifts for people—and work hard on making those gifts in the hope that those people will notice and like the gifts.”
—John Green

Words & phrases

in the hope that 希望:表示希望某事发生或达到某个目标。

He applied for the job in the hope that he would be selected.


Where there is no gift, there is no art.

You know what success is, or at least you have your own definition of it. (Mine: when my days look how I want them to look.)

Suckcess,” on the other hand, is success on somebody else’s terms. Or undeserved success. Or when something you think sucks becomes successful. Or when success or chasing after it just plain starts to suck.

“Suckcess” is what poet Jean Cocteau was referring to when he said, “There is a kind of success worse than failure.”

In his book The Gift, Lewis Hyde argues that art exists in both gift and market economies, but “where there is no gift, there is no art.” When our art is taken over by market considerations—what’s getting clicks, what’s selling—it can quickly lose the gift element that makes it art.

We all go through cycles of disenchantment and re-enchantment with our work. When you feel as though you’ve lost or you’re losing your gift, the quickest way to recover is to step outside the marketplace and make gifts.

Words & phrases

just plain 只是简单的,没有特别的装饰或修饰。

I like my coffee just plain, no sugar or cream.


disenchantment: / ˌdɪsɪnˈtʃæntmənt / n.醒悟,清醒;不抱幻想

The men have told him strikingly similar stories of disenchantment.


re-enchantment: 复魅;再魅化

There’s nothing as pure as making something specifically for someone special. When my son Owen was five, he was obsessed with robots, so whenever I started hating myself and my work, I’d knock off for half an hour and make a robot collage out of tape and magazines. When I gave him the robot, he’d often turn right around and make a robot for me. We traded back and forth like that for a brief while until, as kids do, he dropped robots and became obsessed with something else. Those robots are still some of my favorite things I’ve ever made.

Try it: If you’re bummed out and hating your work, pick somebody special in your life and make something for them. If you have a big audience, make them something special and give it away. Or maybe even better: Volunteer your time and teach someone else how to make what you make and do what you do. See how it feels. See whether it puts you in a better place.

You never know when a gift made for a single person will turn into a gift for the whole world. Consider how many bestselling stories began their life as bedtime stories for specific children. A. A. Milne made up Winnie-the-Pooh for his son, Christopher Robin Milne. Astrid Lindgren’s bedridden daughter Karin asked her to tell a story about some girl named Pippi Longstocking. C. S. Lewis convinced J. R. R. Tolkien to turn the fantastical stories he told his children into The Hobbit. The list goes on and on.

Making gifts puts us in touch with our gifts.

Words & phrases


knock off


I'm going to knock off early today and go to the movies.




collage / kəˈlɑːʒ /

  • n.抽象拼贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的)

  • vt.把…创作成拼贴画,拼贴

The illustrations make use of collage, watercolour, and other media.


bum out 使人沮丧或失望

First, of course, the world can just wait patiently for November 2020 to roll around, at which point, American voters will presumably have come to their senses and be prepared to throw the bum out.



  • adj.不高兴的;烦恼的.

  • 动词bum的过去式和过去分词形式

He bummed around the world for a year.



  • n.<英,非正式>屁股;<美,非正式>流浪汉,流浪乞丐;<非正式>迷恋某项活动者;<非正式>懒汉,游手好闲者

  • v.<英,非正式>讨,乞讨;<非正式>(漫无目的地)闲荡,漫游(bum around);<非正式>(使)难过,使失望

  • adj.<非正式>蹩脚的,毫无用处的;<非正式>不合法的,无效的;<美,非正式>受伤的,受损的

This bum is an unemployed man in the slum.



  • n.就寝时间

  • adj.适于睡前的

Will you read me a bedtime story?


bedridden: / ˈbedrɪdn / adj.卧床不起的

Lost your job, or bedridden for days?


fantastical: adj.奇异的,虚构的

It is fantastical, falsidical and deceitful.


go on and on 不停地说或持续发生,通常指令人厌烦或疲倦的情况

He can go on and on about his favorite topic.


puts us in touch with: 让我们联系到

in touch with: 与某人保持经常见面或交流的状态

I try to stay in touch with my old friends from college.


“What I’m really concerned about is reaching one person.”
—Jorge Luis Borges